Saturday, February 22, 2014

RECIPE | an alternate use for overripe bananas

Homemade Banana Nut Granola
My default breakfast is whole wheat toast with nut butter, honey, sliced banana, and cinnamon (and coffee, obviously); whenever I eat cereal or granola, I end up ravenous two hours later. I also tend to avoid store bought granola since oil and sweeteners are usually found near the top of the ingredient list. However, after seeking a non-banana bread recipe to use the overripe bananas stinking up my kitchen, I discovered a recipe for banana granola on Green Kitchen Stories that was sufficiently different to any banana recipe I have made before.

After playing around with the ingredient list and proportions, and reducing the oven temperature, I have found my new go-to granola recipe (which just happens to be vegan and gluten-free). Including protein-rich quinoa flakes in the mix results in a filling granola that keeps you satisfied until your lunch break. This recipe is very forgiving, so do not fret if you do not have all of the listed ingredients. Applesauce or pumpkin purée could potentially take the place of the banana purée, and various nuts, seeds, and spices can be swapped in and out. Judging by how quickly this granola has disappeared in my household however, you will not want to make a half batch. Trust me on that.

Homemade Banana Nut Granola
Adapted from a recipe by Green Kitchen Stories

I found that baking the oats without disruption for the first 2/3 of baking time, then breaking them up into clumps for the final 5-10 minutes was the best method to create large clusters /// If you prefer smaller clusters, stir the oats a few times while baking and bake for 25-35 minutes total /// I like to replace 1 cup of the rolled oats with quinoa flakes to add extra protein /// This granola is excellent topped with chopped dates, sliced banana, unsweetened coconut flakes, and the milk of your choice (coconut, almond, oat, organic, etc.)

3 cups rolled oats (gluten-free, if necessary), quinoa flakes, or a mix
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg (optional)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/4 cup flax meal (optional)
1/4 cup wheat germ (optional - omit to keep gluten-free)
1 cup mixed raw nuts (I used 1/4 cup each brazil nuts, almonds, walnuts, and pecans)
2 medium or 3 small bananas (about 1/2 cup worth)
3 tablespoons coconut oil or olive oil
4 tablespoons honey or maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Preheat oven to 175ºC (350ºF). Combine oats, cinnamon, nutmeg, salt, and optional wheat germ and flax meal in a large bowl. Chop nuts coarsely in a food processor and add to oat mixture. Blend bananas, oil, honey or maple syrup, and vanilla extract in the food processor. Add wet mixture to the dry ingredients and mix until fully coated. Spread the oats on a parchment-lined large baking tray, pressing it down into the tray so that the mixture is tightly packed together. Bake for 20-25 minutes without stirring, keeping an eye on the granola so that it does not burn. Remove from oven and break the granola up into large clusters with a wooden spoon or your hands (if yours are immune to heat like mine are). Return the pan to the oven and bake an additional 5-10 minutes, until the granola clusters are crisp. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before transferring to an airtight container.

Serves: 12-14 (1/3 cup servings)
Time to table: 45 minutes
Equipment: large bowl, small food processor, wooden spoon or rubber spatula, baking tray, parchment paper

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